Sunday, 15 September 2013


Hassan and Hussein Khadar are two young brother twins of 12 years old. Their mother is dead during their birth period. The death of their mother has left their father to be mentally ill. They used to live with their old and weak grandmother in Qandahaar village of Hargeisa. Their mentally ill father has always violated, bothered, frightened and threatened them to death. About ten days ago, their mentally ill father has driven them from grandmother’s home to Hargeisa centeral streets to beg people; in order to, get some money for their father to buy Khat to chew and they have been doing this for the last ten days and nights. On September 14th 2013, they have been lost from their mentally ill father and were found somewhere in Hero-Awr village being very hungry and sick by the neighboring villagers there.

As per early morning telephone information noted to USWO SCORE project staff by Ismail Yahye – Save the Children SCORE project coordinator, it was found that there two unaccompanied young twin brothers with primary protection concern in Hero-Awr village northeast of Hargeisa city. In the light of this issue, Mr. Ismail Yahye kindly requested USWO to take an urgent action in community based child approach to prevent the children encounter more risk and violation.

On September 15th 2013 around 10:30 am, USWO SCORE project staff has reached the site where the twin children have been kept and provided some humanitarian support by neighbouring villagers. Miss. Rooda Hassan Omer (her Mob N0: +252 064728971) is a mother and one of the villagers who provided food and drinks to the children. She told us that these children have been seen in front of her house this morning where they had been sleeping till the night alone. “The children were in a comma and on the verge of death; in terms of hunger” Miss. Ardo Ahmed Hassan told USWO this information. USWO staff presented brief information for those gathered household villagers and told that USWO in collaboration with Save the Children International (SCI) will provide an urgent primary protection support and will closely communicate with them about their issues.

USWO has driven the children from site and taken them to a restaurant where the twin brother children have received meal e.g. food and drinks formerly USWO took the children to Alxaramayn Medical and Pharmaceutical Center and they have been treated and have received some medical support, because they have got some physical illness. For preventing and responding protection concern of these vulnerable children, USWO has also bought some second hand clothes for them to wear. Later that, USWO temporarily handed the children over Daami B IDPs Child Rights Community Committee (CRCCs) care them at home for this tonight till morning and their protection concern process is still continuous and USWO, CRCCs and Save the Children International are planning consulting about the second step, or approach that they would face; in order to, fully provide protection and support to this children.  

Reported by:  Abshir Ibrahim Hassan
Executive director
Mob: +252 2440 2499 / +252 24404312

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