Friday, 29 November 2013


In 2013, 950 children i.e. street children, labor children, and IDP vulnerable children have been recently supported through reintegrating them with their families and communities, creating income generation and providing them medical and legal support services under the SCORE project funded Danish TV Collection through Save the Children International (SCI) in partnership with USWO.


In 2013, 950 children i.e. street children, labor children, and IDP vulnerable children have been recently supported through reintegrating them with their families and communities, creating income generation and providing them medical and legal support services under the SCORE project funded Danish TV Collection through Save the Children International (SCI) in partnership with USWO.


- To protect the rights of children by providing capacity building workshops to local authority, minority and IDP community committees.

- To establish non-formal schools for child education in minority IDP camps.

- To protect children against trafficking at national level.

- Strengthened capacity of child protection systems and structures to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against internally displace children and children living and working on the streets by December 2013;

-  1,000 IDP and other vulnerable children who have fled their families and live in IDP camps and the streets of Hargeisa have access to community based care and protection services in a supportive and child empowering environment by December 2013;


In 2013, 62 youth i.e. minority and other vulnerable youth 35 girls and 17 boys have been provided life skills and vocational training programs under the support project on strengthening capacity of civil society organizations to provide life skills and vocational training for the youth funded by Oxfam Novib through Havoyocco in partnership with USWO.


- The aim of this program is to assist minority youth returnees from refugee camps and enourage them in contributing to reconsturcion of their homeland with their skills both educational; as well as, professional.

- To empower young minority men and women through vocational skills that are in need in the real market.

In 2012, it has been improved hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices of 2400 people in MCH, School and the surrounding community. USWO has constructed 3 VIP twin latrines, constructed one incinerator for Lasciidle primary school, rehabilitated water tank, connected water, and repaired sanitation facilities for Lasciidle MCH. As a result of these, the MCH and primary school have adequate and properly functioning sanitation facilities. USWO has implemented this project entitled to “support access to safe water with proper hygiene and sanitation promotion in Lasciidle MCH, School and Community in Somaliland” funded by USAID to UNICEF.

Objectives and results:

Access to clean, safe drinking water is increased in Laasciidle MCH, school and community, in addition to Household water treatment and safe storage (HWTS) to benefit 2400 people by the end of 4 months.

Result 2: The MCH and primary school have adequate and properly functioning sanitation facilities

Result3: Five (05) rural villages with 2,400 people have improved their sanitation through achieving open defecation (ODF) status, use of clean toilets, hand washing with soap, and proper disposal of garbage by end of 4 months of piloting CLTS.
Result 4: Improved Hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices of 2400 people in MCH, School and the surrounding community by the end of 4 months.

Result5: Capacity of the MCH, school and community is enhanced to sustainably manage the water and sanitation facilities.


- Awareness of community and local authorities understanding of the risks/hardships consequences of irregular migration.

- Exposure of real risks involved during and after the migrants’ journey.

- 30 minute documentary film developed as a mechanism to the reduction of migration aspirations and disseminating it through national level TV stations and mass media.

The road to irregular migration will be a long and devastating one if the level of awareness and changing peoples’ attitudes towards migration is not expanded extensively.
The pull and bush factors that mostly inspire youth to emigrate from home into other destinations are caused by the followings;

  • Lack of regular awareness rising on the risks of irregular migration.
  • Poverty and lack of livelihood skills,
  • Lack of high quality education.
  • Long remaining unemployed and unchanging livelihood conditions.

Main Areas of Intervention:

- Minority rights advocacy program
- IDPs WASH (Water and Sanitation) improvement
- Mixed migration awareness activities
- Child Rights Protection
- Counter trafficking psycho-social counselling
- Minority youth empowerment (free scholarship and employment program)
Gender (gender justice at domestic level).

Compiled by:

Mr. Abshir I.Hassan
Executive Director
USWO Organization
Hargeisa, Somaliland

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